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It's okay if I'm not the hottest girl around, as long as I have a decent personality, I'll be fine. Another half, JoleenLzh. ♥.♥

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Look at me for once, the one that onced love you. Remember, that you use to look me in the eyes and stare me with your sexy eyes. I use to whisper to you, 'I love you baby'. You would bully me, whenever I'm with you. I miss the old times, old you and the old days. Don't you think so? When are you gonna call me bi again? No matter how cruel or wrong my actions were, I'm willing to do anything just to have you. The rights and wrong I've done, No matter how people judged, I didn't look or take notice, but all I know is that all I did it is all because of love. Damn, I miss you MelvinTan.  

If he think his free to have r/s, there's no escape possible. So why do you have to bring those shit medicines to school and everywhere? Phobia is worse than that, Rebecca. A man with one watch knows what time it is, A man with two watches is never sure. So what's the point of suffering this shit? Live life. :D Remember this, 'When the students ready, the master appears.' Special thnks to Babytummy and guys, I'm living a happy life. :b Don't worry so much k honey hunneh! Hehe.

So, hi there. (Wave)(Insertcuteface) Hiek2. Well.. lemme see I guess I will rot today at home In facts, No. Went out with Qianhui to Hpoint. Keke. Have a h2h tgt, though I'm sucks at cheering people, but at least I feel proud that actually she feels much better. :D How's great. I think I'm changing phone and number, to start a brand new day. Rebecca remember this, you're not alone, you're with your family, friends and ME. I'm the one who need to learnt this lesson. I'm the one who need to walk this path myself. Life is all about game, to win or to lose. You must know how to handle, your game is life and love. I guess, our love it's not true love, it's lust. What more can I say? It has been two weeks, since you left me, I'm havin a good life, flirting around with hot guys, fb/msn/msg. What about you? Sniffing glue? :) Having sex with some other girl? Or...? I don't know, I can't guess. I love you, that's why I have to let you go. It's me, I wanted it too. I have to change, to show you without you I'm strong still. It's time, I guess? Goodluck baby. If, we are meant to be together, we will, perhaps someday.
 也许放手是一种为对方的付出,对对方的重视 也是一种无奈 虽然很想把对方留在身边,可是对方的笑容与幸福却胜于自己的一切 ,为了对方,可以不惜一切地为对方付出,甚至是离开