Spell me WOW. I'm rich today. :p Just came back from baby's house, i'm like dead beat because i walked the whole day. Leg cramp, when i was walking half way, oh no way. Please, no way i'm not gonna have stroke. Baby pl0x. Hahahahahahah, well... Zoo was beautiful and crowded, yet weather was warm. Mosquito was all over and the smell of the animals was like cowdug, but i did really enjoyed there, because of my childishness with baby, i'm shocked that baby could acutally stand me, zomg. Woke up at 6plus, wanted to sleep back to my lala land, but i realise that i can't fall asleep again. Oh well, so i waited for baby til he woke up, waiting and waiting........ and tata!!! He woke up, so i get myself prepared and off to point. I was the last person, who are always late.... Anyway, ought to thanks Zech's mom for the tickets!!! Bus 159 to amk, bus 183 to zoo. :D Reached bout half an hour. I reached the place, the first thing i was yelling about animals, i want see animals. Hehe. Sean left. After zoo around 3plus, we headed down to bugis, wanted to go shesa, end up went to other place, penisular. Decide to put tattoo with francine and sabrina, thinking back bout baby, better don't. Don't wanna quarrell with baby. Hohohoho. Sinagapore was small, but when we walk, it looks SO far. :/ Cab down to hougang, sab and francine homed. So left me, baby and yihua, went to mall eat. Baby house afterthat, wanted to ton at baby house, dad called. Reached home 11plus. Teeheez. Talking on the phone with baby now, and it's 1.20am. Meeting baby to buy his clothes at bugis tomorrow!!!!! Bbby, 6days moreeeeee. HURRRRRRRRRRY!!!!!!!!!! :*

I'm not afriad....
Have you ever heard this story? Damn, i hate this animal alot. Bittch.
Baby and i was thinking, why their butt got red spot? HAHAHAHA.
I fucking love this, Orang utan. Yep, that's right. Baby scared him away, no... make orang utan very very sad, wanted to use baby phone to take picture of me and orang utan, halfway thru, the orang utan look backkkk. Was blaming baby, francine keep talking shit also. K3k3k3k3k3.
The turtle was huge, yet smelly, i fucking hate their smell. OMGEEZ. I use to own one turtle at home, ew effing disgusting. FUCKING SMELL. If only, turtle could talk... how's great, dream on anyway.
THIS SNAKE WAS HUGE. MA. GE. SORE. I get so disgusted though.
I love his skin, hohohohoho.
His was like fuckiiiing tall pl0x, tallest than baby. REALLY.
Hi ^^ This animal, stinks alot. But.. he got a good point of running fast, thumbs uppppz.
Bought Ben&Jerry after that, expensive, hell no!!! One cup cost baby about $8.90. Nice though.
Heading down to bugis.