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It's okay if I'm not the hottest girl around, as long as I have a decent personality, I'll be fine. Another half, JoleenLzh. ♥.♥

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hihello. Readers, take note. I love b.a.b.y. more and more each day. Baby said i've lil freckles on my face, makes me cute and adorable. Sorry, i have to be thickskin, cuz baby just love me to be thickskin okay. Baby was being forced by my fart, i have to fart on baby face a lifetime. HAHAH. I know i sounds disgusting, but who cares, baby just love me the way i am. Heehee. Bby, sorry i've lil times for you! :( I'm always not free.
 -_- Dentention, remedial and blahblah. So yep, basically i will just post some and that's it i'm off my blogging. So what do i blog? Life is settling down so i am hoping everythings alright. *Insertsmileyface*
Girl listen this,
I know being dumped can be very painful and can leaving feeling extremely hurt and alone. But.. you must know what's right and what's wrong. First, i don’t care what happened between you, all relationships end because one or both partners need space away from the relationship. This time is used to explore many things. It could be trying life as a single person, trying a new relationship, reevaluating your life and what your are doing with it. It could be any number of things. But if your partner dumped you, then the reason is because they just want to step away from the relationship and see what things are like. My breaking up advice for people that got dumped is to give your partner this space that they are seeking. If you constantly hassle them about getting back together or begging them for their forgiveness, you will just push them further away. You see, they want space and as long as you keep calling them, they will feel that they don’t have this space and pull back even further. If you have any interested in maintaining contact with your ex as either friends or as a way to potentially get back together, give them the space they want. If you can understand this little bit of breaking up advice, then the everything else should becoming better. Taking about two weeks or more just stop contacting your ex is the breaking up advice. This is the hardest part. It will almost seem like torture to keep yourself from calling your ex or e-mailing him.This is good for your ex because it gives him a chance to miss you. While you are giving him that space that he wants so much, he will undoubtedly be thinking of you. He’ll remember all your inside jokes and he’ll see all sorts of things that remind him of you and all the good times you’ve shared. You know what they say, (absence makes the heart grow fonder.) This “no contact” time is also good for you too. It gives you a chance to work through all those messy emotions that come with a fresh break up without having to share them with your ex. It also gives you time to decide if you really want to salvage the relationship as well. Spending time alone will allow you to experience new things and meet new people. You might even find that your ex reaches out to contact you during this time. This can seem like a miracle if everything else you’ve tried has only pushed him away from you.
So, if you’ve found yourself dumped take my breaking up advice and take a few weeks to just not contact your ex at all. I can guarantee you it will be torture, but it will only improve things across the board. Liwen said i've depression after i broke up with baby. Is it true? HAHAHA.
Depression After Break Up Tip #1 – Let yourself feel sad and enjoy your day!
It is perfectly normal to feel miserable after you’ve been dumped. Don’t try to fight it and be strong. Let yourself feel everything that you are experiencing. Bottling up your emotions isn’t a healthy way to deal with them in the long term. Eventually they can build up and force their way out at inappropriate times
Let the emotions run their course. You’ll feel better and be able to move on faster.

Depression After Break Up Tip #2 – Find an outlet of expression.
After you’re done crying or feeling angry at your ex, you will probably still feel like you are missing something in your life, especially if you and your ex were very close or were seeing each other for a long time. It really helps you to have some kind of creative way to work out your feelings.

After I got dumped, i started to do silly things, that i wasn't suppose to do, i know it's wrong. But... keep on  trying to be strong, everything will be fine! The important thing is that it connects you to your emotions.

Depression After Break Up Tip #3 – Get active!
I know that following a break up, you can feel like crud and you just want to stay home and eat ice cream sometimes. But we both know that this isn’t going to help you get past the depression. If you want to get your life back on track, you need to force yourself to get out of the house and start doing things. I know that this can be hard, especially at first, but you can start small. Even if it’s just something simple like going to read a book at kopitiam. I know this may seem silly, but doing small things like this will help you feel like you are still connected to rest of the world. Break ups are tough and it’s not uncommon to experience depression afterwards. The important thing is to not let it get the best of you. You can manage depression after break ups and move on from the pain. After breaking up, who say cannot be together again? As long as the two of you have any feelings for each other after breaking up, getting back together is always a possibility. Notice i said any feelings. Even if the two of you are on very bad terms, fighting and claiming that you hate each other. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. With some work, you can easily flip any emotion back to love.

First, fight back every urge you have to call, email, text message, or otherwise bother your ex begging to get back together. Chances are, after breaking up, you are feeling very hurt, betrayed, and desperate to get back together. When you act from this frame of mind you will only hurt your chances. Your ex probably ended the relationship to get “space”... and bombarding him with phone calls and the like is not giving him space. It will only push him farther away. After a few weeks or a month without contacting him, whenever you feel the time is ready. Send out a quick and brief e-mail and just offer an honest and sincere apology for the things you did or didn’t do that may have contributed to the breakup. Relationships are a two-way street and in any breakup both people are at least partially responsible. If you don’t know how you might have contributed to the relationship ending, then you just need to spend some time thinking about it a little harder. After exchanging a message or two, suggest that the two of you meet up for lunch, dinner or ton? Don’t make a big deal out of it. Act like you are just meeting up with an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. When you meet, keep things fun and light. Your goal is to get him to associate good feelings with you and remind him of all the happy times you’ve shared together. Take it slow and don’t pressure him into getting back together yet. If things go well at your first meeting, consider asking him out for a more conventional date. Something like a movie, dinner, or a show. After breaking up, getting back together will take some patience. Take things slowly like you would if you were dating someone new for the first time. Again, no serious stuff at this point, unless he brings it up. If things keep going well, keep going out on dates with your ex. Eventually he will remember all the reasons why he fell in love with you in the first place. Before you know it the two of you will be back together. So yep! Heal my adivce, everything will be fine. Baby sounds familiar to you? *Insertcutecuteface*