I wonder..
Hello baby.
God gave 5fingers for a reason. My pinky is for promises that will never be broken, my ring finger is for marriage and for proof that we'll be together forever, my middle finger is for that person that pushes me far and to show them how I feel, my pointer finger is to silence them, to savor the moment, my thumb is to tell them that I'm gonna be okay, no matter what. :D
Went to school today, basically school's a shit, I fucking hate new school rule. The reason why, everybody got suspen and dislike attending school is because of their new fucking school rule and their fucking hair, they dye their hair, hair too long got sent out which I dislike too. Early in the morning at 6.30 I have to woke up by that fucking time and fucking reach school at 7.50 which means it's impossible me to have zero offences you know. :)
Time, classroom, teachers, friends, cca, new rules and timeable. I wish that I could rewind Sec 1 again, when I say rewind not staying back the year, but friends and memorioes those laughters and smile make my day. 4of my previous classmate promoted to Na. Classroom totally quiet without noise and laughter, I'm unhappy bout my classroom, my previous classroom is at 4thfloor, now I'm at 3rdfloor. Recess at 10, dismissal at 12.30. Fuck, detention 2hours next week continue. School's sec 1 boys so kewt. ^=* I'm not flirting. Haha.
The reason why I came school, I miss the food and my classmate, not studies. Now, holiday ended I miss my 2months holidays, whenever I'm in holiday I miss school and wearing uniform this routine apply like every year. Damn, I MISS HOLIDAYS $TILL, SORRY FOR NOT TREASURING YOU. Name tag, I don't know where I put my name tag what's more I'm lazy to iron on, gonna think of some excuses tomorrow, school skirt too long might even send home, sian sia la.
Today, didn't had much lesson, not really lesson, but some talks about cca at hall, OK I'VE NO CCA STILL. Then went back class, as usual talk and talk and talk. Well, btw I'm not listening. :) This repeats everyday, when I'm in school time pass so slow, when I'm in holiday time files. Help, I'm going insane.
Before I publish,
Disney taught me never stop believing in dreams.
Harry Potter taught me that love and friendship dominates all kind of evil.
NARINA taught me that we must all grow up & leave our childhood behind but must never forget it.
PERCY JACKSON taught me there's hero in everyone of us.
glee taught me that no matter how different we're, there's always that one thing in common.
Truth that, believe in yourself.