Sorry for not posting 2days ago, having fever yesterday, my body was hot like boiling water. Now, I'm okay already! Look at the mirror, you never alone. Got two mirrors, stand between and became infinite people.
Never had the chance to quarrel with you, what's the feeling of quarrel? Bestfriend, my best companion. :) I'm always here for you Sabrina, I can always lend you a shoulder to lean on, thanks for the troubles once you helped me with, whenever I need you, you're always, always there for me, to comfront me, even though we just know each other this year? You never fail to be with me. Cheerup.OK!!!!!!!
Well, you know what? I got used hoping you'd be back, I wait and wait for three months and you, are still having a perfect life without thinking about how I feel towards you, extremely disappointed, but then you never think. I started facing reality, and started to get a move on.