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It's okay if I'm not the hottest girl around, as long as I have a decent personality, I'll be fine. Another half, JoleenLzh. ♥.♥

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The key is happiness.

Friends change, Parent change, Boyfriend change, People change and Everything change. I now realise, that friends are always important to me than my boyfriend. When i need them, they are always there for me 24/7. Yes, it's totally true. Friends there's bad and good one. Bad one, who betray you. Good one, who are there with you when you need them. If you never knew, what is that new, it's you. It doesn't matter to me anyway. I just love the way you're. There are no mistakes. Everyone is not fully perfect. Life there's definitely up and there. Let me rock your life will you baby? :) 

Well, I'm being bored at home due to my fever, ew. Who love being stuck at home? No one. I miss baby. Hell godddd. I need money. I can't probably always ask mom for money. $$$.$$$ OR even baby. Obviously not. My tagboard so dead. :( Make it alife. K3k3. Baby exam is already started, jiayou, fully support here!!!!!! *muackmuack* Rotting at home, is lousy. :( I WOULD PREFER TO BE OUTSIDSE WITH BABY. 

Went to Watch movie at Tpy with baby and sean. End up left me and baby, took back bus 159 back to hougang. Holysh!t, my love to baby is getting deeper. HellYES. :* Bye readers!!!!!!