12 October 2010. :-)
Saw this date? Oh come on, oh come on. I love this date. C.u.t.e. l.i.l .v.e.r.s.i.o.n, baby you know i know. 6days more? WASZUP. 5th month anniversary soon, great! :-) Yah, hi. Lately, went to bbie's house. Okayok. Why underage girl can't have kids? Or pregnant? Why must have law in Sinapore? Why girl need to suffer the pain? Why girl must lost virgin? Why girl must have reputation? Why? I know the answer, simply because..... Police protect girls, from getting underage sex. A.R.G.H bullsh!t. IF, i have a chance of getting a kids, i would treasure it. Ya, readers will start thinking or saying all rubbish. But i'm saying the facts. Life there's one. Treasure it or that's it. The baby goes through alot of changes over the course of the nine months inside our uterus. Babies are just way too adorable!!! Hell god. Aw, school tomorro, abit of sucky. :( Baby fetching me tommorrow, hehehehehehehehehehehehe. (L)