There are moments i spend times to do the things i like. Actually, nothing much in particular – life's is still the same. I'm the happiness girl in life.
Yes, that's me. Myself. :-)
Blogging about life that i have now. Wonderful. I'm blessed too.
Blogging about Mistakes and Problems.
I have made lot of mistakes, but i think i need to learn through all these mistakes as lessons in life. No matter how hard is my situation, i try to live my life positively day by day. I believe when i am 100yearsold and i'm still in earth-lin when i look back to today, i would feel no regret because i have made all the mistakes i could. I have tasted life at its best and worst. I have people who help me and people who abandon me when i fall. I have seen goodness and evil. I admit that i do have a lot of problems at home, school and everywhere. But i have tried to overcome the hardest to improve. If trying the hardest is not enough, then i got to accept that things were not working out. I am glad i have given it many tries and i am forever thankful to baby for making me become better in a lot of things. Eventually, i have to accept who i am and get on with my life. Something sometimes, maybe happen just like that without knowing it. Out of a sudden, i feel like indicate bout baby. Damn, i'm so so in love with my lil baby.boy name melvintanjunjie. 10days more to our 4thmonth baby. Why is it OK for you to always let me down and put your friend before me. Why doesn't everyone else see how frustrating it is to have to fight for your own boyfriends attention. I love you, but just once i want you to forget about them and dedicate one night to me. I don't think its too much to ask is it? I will tend to get jealous and annonyed because you could spent time with me, instead of them. Our first looks at each other, our first conversation, our first kiss. Our first text message and our first real talk. I'll never forget. Never forget the feelings and how perfect everything was. We could be awake and talk about everything until the next morning, we could talk in the cellphone for hours without having any words left to say and we could lay down for a very long time and just stare into each others eyes without saying anything. It was love. Real love. Then we laughed for hours about what we just said. We talked about everything and we laughed, cried and did things together. That was life. You were life. You were the best boyfriend ever and everything would have been meaningless if you weren't in my life.
1. Family, boyfriend, friends. 3 most important things in my life
2. I will do everything to be a better person.
3. But then again, i don't want to lose you.
4. I want you to be happy comfortable with me. Honest with me.
Tell me everything that bugs you, even if it is about me.
5. I much rather have you.
6. You're stubborn.
7. I'm scared to death with commitment. I will never CHEAT on you.
But deep down inside, i'm still lovin it.
8. If anything goes wrong with us, promise me that we won't mention this word 'break'.
I hated the awkwardness we had last two month.
9. You are the first guy I'm this involved with.
10. I hate hate hate awkwardness.
11. I'm suppose to be doing my homework right now. Not writing this note for you.
12. I'm scared of hurting you.
13. I want you to do what you want to do, not for me. For yourself. Do it right, do it smart.
14. I'm the worst girlfriend anyone can have, but I'll learn.
15. I still haven't asked you why you love me.
16. If I'm angry at you, don't worry. I WILL tell you.
The good thing is that i can never be angry with you, unless you done something wrong.
17. We can compromise. I'm not expecting much from this relationship,
but you have to be honest with me.
18. I don't know how long this relationship will last.
18 of this, take note please. HAHA.
Pictures that baby wanted to take.