Realise something, i've overcome one day for not touching cigg in school, i didn't even touch one stick, OKAY not even half stick. Whenever i smell or see cigg, i will relax one corner do some other things. My friends say, i'm stupid for not smoking, but for the sick of you i tired not to touch, i tired to overcome it, and i manage and i'm proud of itttttttttttt. Studies? Ohohohohoh, i did study today too, i did homework. She's has been veryvery good girl. :) Didn't late for schoool either, didn't ran across the rain like yesterday. Heehee. Bby, today i got chinese test. I quarrelled with my classmate. I TRY not to vent anger on teacher, but i still did. x..x Sigh.. Bbbbbtan, sometimes you must learn to do the right things, BUT not the wrong things. Whenever, you tell me, your friend ask you to do this and that, my heartbeat pump very fast. I don't know why, a very strange feeling, whenever you tell me you're doing bad things, my sense tells me something is not right. You have to use your brain to think, i'm very worried bout you. Really, this time round i can't afford to lose you anymore. :( You won't leave me anymore will you?. Well, i went to search this like half an hour.
There's many meaning behind the word love. Got this from some website, find it meaningful, i changed some grammars in there. HAHAH. Love is amazing, something that you can't imagine. Love is the quiet understanding. It is real. Miles do not separate you. You know they are yours, and you can wait. Love is not based on sex. Love is something which lacks of confidence, when they're away, you wonder if they're cheating. Sometimes, you check. Sometimes you will feel worried. Sometimes you wonder if his cheating on you. Love means trust. You are calm, secure and unthreatened. They must feel your trust, and it makes them even more trustworthy. Love is an upper. It makes you feel whole. It completes the circle. It fills the empty space in your heart. Love is elevating. It lifts you up. It makes you look up. It's pretty amazing. It makes you think up. It makes you a better person than you were before. If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things you don't have. If there is no love in your life, whatever else there is has a lot less meaning. The secret of our being is not only to live but to have something to live for. Love basically selfish where real love is basically selfless. Love is patient. When you have difficulty dating this girl and she does not want to come out, if you truly love her, you will not complain and blame her, you must look at the situation from her point of view - maybe she is having some problems which prevented her from coming out. You must react to it with patience and understanding. Next, have you ever met someone you liked so much that you wanted to push the relationship and make it progress faster? Sure you have! Love, however, is willing to give a relationship time to grow at a natural pace. It does not push but is willing to wait for the relationship to grow at a rate that is satisfactory to both parties. Love is Kind. Love seeks to encourage and build up others. It respects the feelings and emotions of others.. It finds its greatest satisfaction in making others happy. Lastly, Love is forgiving. This is a MUST for a successful love story. If a guy is not willing to forgive and forget when his girlfriend is one hour late, he is not exhibiting love. Love doesn't hold grudges when it has been wrong. True enough?