5may'10, wednesday. So.. from here i slowly started to take pictures with you. 3pictures taken.
5may'10, thursday. Hougangpoint opp voiddeck, we took this picture. Remember i keep on telling you, i look soso cute in this picture? 4pictures taken.
5'may10, friday. On the way to bugis, with you friend. :) Madness over camwhore inside the bus, yesyes? 43 pictures taken from my camera!!!!
5'may10, saturday. We're going to ehub for movie sherk remember remember? hehee. Sean treat us for movie ticket!!! Cuz his a mother fucker rich boy only those days. After movie, we cab down to geylang for our cigg, no it's yours and sean. :) Sean stopped us at tpy. 11pictures taken.
30'may10, sunday. Here we go again!!!! On the way to bugis, when you're still with jj that group. Your friend bought a new bag like yours. Heheheee. 19picture taken. :)
31'may 10, monday. Hougangplaza, on the way!!! Poolpoolpool, i know i'm sucks at it. HAHAH. When you're playing,you love to hug me. :)) And i'm proud of it. :D 15picture taken.
01'june 10, tuesday. Day 2 plaza again!!! Nothing much, rott our day in plaza, and your pool. :B 3pictures taken.
02'june 10, wenesday. Day3 again, in plaza!!! Poolpoolpoolpooolpool. 5picture taken.
03'may 10, thursday. Bugis again. Nothing much. :> 4pictures taken.
Friday and saturday, due to my sickness, failed to meet you. :(
06'may 10, sunday. Came to meet you but i've no pictures, i didn't bring my camera out. :(
07'may 10, monday. Baby!!! Vivo, yesyes:D with francine remember? Wtfff, saying bout vivo, i remember that while i was 'buying' the candies, one aunty step onto my slipper, and the thing came off just like that, so suey. FUCKING SUEY, and embrassing. HAHAH. Cab home aftermath. :)
08'may 10, tuesday, i was in malaysia. :>
09'may 10 & 10'may 10, wednesday & thursday. Plaza for pool again, no picture for the day. x.x
So.. from 10 may i started to get sick, fever and so and so.. Didn't meet baby for like 3days? That 3days make me gone crazy. -.-
Only, one day baby, francine and davin came to visit me, end up francine got sick also, sorry! x: After 14may, means next day, i was in china for 5days and 4night. Baby i still remember, we didn't celebrate our one month anniversary, due to me, haha, thanks to me also. :( But.. i post a long post for you to read.. :)
19'may 10, saturday. was back from singapore, first thing was to calll you, yes? You told me that you was inside the lockup when i wasn't with you. ;(
20'may 10, sunday. I'm back. Plaza for pool again. :D No picture.
21'may 10, you've hq thingy. Remember? No picture taken with you.
22'may 10, tuesday. Point all along.
23 and 24 may i was at home rotting.
25'may 10, friday. Plaaaaaaaaaaza. ^^
26'may 10, saturday. Zech's bbq, i was somehow hang out late with you. :D HAHAH.
02' july 10, Friday. OCH!!!!! Like a scary only leh. -.- Baby, remember i tried to climb over the thingy, and my pants got stuck. x.x Zzz, ohyeahohyeah, remember i scolded an old lady there the fuck you word. HAHAHA. 4pictures taken.
04'may 10, sunday. BABYBABY!!! Remember this piglet? Yes, its from you. HAHAHA. Ohyay, remember this.. my fucking finger, was cut by you. :DDD HAHAHAHA.
05'june 10, monday. Movie at town. I forgotten what show we've watch. :( Opps.
10' june 10, saturday. Many things happen on 10june, quarrelled until i cried. Hahah, remember? End up a kiss solve everything.
11'may 10, sunday. Vivo.HAHHA. Here's the funny part comes, you wanted to propose me, but i keep on pull you up. HAHAHA. Baby you're a silly boy. :)
12,13,14,15,16,17, 18.. our secondmonth, my camera spoiled, so no picture for the day. :( We got hsa at town while we're smoking. 19may, we started to quarrell abit, 20may, as time goes, the deeper my emotion gets, the way you treated me totally different like how you used to treat me. :( Hougangmall, our last 18th's to be 2gather again. 

This picture was taken on 5august, hehe. I think you don't realise right? :D
The day you broke up with me, i was crying. Yes, i hate to admit, but i have to admit many things to you. I don't lie, okay, maybe sometimes. You know how much i got hurt when i heard the news spreading around when you're with her together after you broke up with me? You know how much i hate you after seeing you at Zech's condo when he told me you're pg-ing? You know after hearing zech told me that you're pg-ing, i was in seragoon, i cab down all the way to Zech's house to find you? You know how much i wanted to slap you, when i couldn't even bear too? You know when i saw her picture i wanted to kill you? You know i keep on cursing infront of 'her' (think you know who i'm refering who), while cursing i was crying, end up i take back my words from her. You know i keep on praying for you when i know you've court case? You know whenever i saw her blog, i get so annoyed and disgusted? You know when i saw her, posting for you, i get so jealous easily. You know when i saw you and her picture, i get real mad, i crash my keypad until the button came off. You know i can't even sleep or eat? You know i would felt odd without recieving your message in the morning. You know when i saw her, mention your name and stuffs, i will pg because of you? Whenever i heard you've court, i alway cry, always worried. You know i always get so fucking worried, when you said you dying soon? Whenever the person, who pg with me, i will always misunderstood as you. Whenever i kiss the person, i will always thought it was you. I, rebeccca of my mother's daughter, swear that will always love you and be there for you regardless of what happen, to you or me, or even us. I think you don't even realise some, no, maybe you did but you didn't tell me, cuz this was all along inside my heart and mind. Now i'm offically yours, i don't want you hide anything from rebecca again, swear that you're always be mine. I'm just a normal girl, but not totally that perfect that you want. You're different. People told me that, when you're with me you changed your thinking, i was touched, since then i knew how to cherish you. At first i don't know how to love you, but i realised, i wanted to love you, those happy moments with you make me laugh, cry, sad, angry, jealous and sensitive. Sometimes, i can love you until i wanna die for you. I somehow ever told someone, i was just playing with you, but one day, i've fall in love with you, really fall in love, maybe you've listen rumors that i was just using your money, but that wasn't true. Until one day, i love you even deeper. You're the first one, who always knows what i'm thinking. You changed my whole life, melvintan, you're the one who really pull me thru the dark route of the side. You're the one who let me taste the sweetness of love. You're the one who show me, actually love isn't miserable at all. You taught me what's happiness and what's not. You make me touched, when you sacrifice many thing because of me. I teared. Maybe, i'm a softhearted person. I learn what's independent. I learn how to survive without you, it's fucking terrible, i swear. I tired to be your girl, which you wouldn't be sick off. Am i? I tired to control my bad attiatude towards you. Am i trying? I tired not to control you too much. Maybe, you didn't realise how i show you, my love. Maybe, yeah, somehow you changed, but i don't mind, i just want your love, to be with me always. One day, i'm gonna fucking show you, what's trust baby. We've gone thru up and down together, our relationship as before was kinda messy, i know, maybe it's a test or maybe it's not, nobody knows. I just want you, really really really want to, love me like before, would you? Every obstacle we've overcome together, as one. Baby take my hand, forget the past, plan the future with me. Our love is like a string, once it's cut away, we can't put it back, unless we use a tape to put it back, but this will be rather complicated. God, please take good care of melvin, i don't wish to see him becoming bad to worse, don't have to spent more time with me also can, as long his happy with his life and don't make any trouble outside, always. I can't stop you for playing shirt, but remember, you must also have a lil time for them and me. :) Though, today is your good day, i can't celebrate your birthday with you, i'm sorry my dearest babyboy. Now we've together again, i can't always rely on you baby, i must learn what's independent sometimes, what if one day, you left me again, out of sudden, i hope that we'll cherish our future 2gather, again. Maybe, this post doesn't mean anything to you, but i put alot of effort to post this. Beebeetan, you know that i love you alot. :)