Sabrina'shouse > Green > Zech'shouse > Changivillage > OCH > Changibeach > Homed.
Haaai dearies. :)
Went out wiv baby, sab, ivan, zech, nat and jeremy today.
Sab, pei me go home change first. Good right? :D
Do my stuffs and all. Cab down to sab house... change and soo..
Ivan came, took cab to Zech'shouse. Took bus 109 to changi..
Eat and headed down och...
We heard strange noises and footstep.
First when we step on the place, our hair stand. Yes.
I was struggling over the climb thingy. I can't get up and down.
Confuse enuff? Meaning.. i can't climb over for twice.
Can't even scream. I kept looking back.. baby push my head infront..
Come out around 7plus.. Saw an oldlady, staying nearby.
Who once work in och before, as a doctor... To sudden. Kind lady y'know. :D
Changi beach afterthat.. Cats are all over th place!!! (Y)
Baby, zech and jeremy catch a frog.. DAMN POOR THING LAAAH.
Slacked.. and then home.