OMG. I didn't notice that i didn't post for 3days, due to my lazy-ness.
Any readers still reading out there? :-o My blog had been dead for 3days.
Baby you know what? 11more days to our SECONDMONTHANNIVERSARY. :D FAST.
What happen to now adays people uh? Sickness everywhere. Wth. OKay, stop and post.
HougangInter > DG > Somerset > Town > HougangInter > Homed.
Went to meet Baby, Sabrina, Ivan, Natt. Zech wasn't there. Tution. :B
I went to watch this show elicpe at town. Rate this show at 5/5, a must watch movie. Definitely must!!! I swearz that bella was a flirter manc. 'He kissed Jacob when she's attached and Edward propose her, she rejecteded.' How mean.......
Can you imagine? When your girlfriend/boyfriend kissed with other guys/girls infront of you or rather behind you. I'm sure that you're fking angry/jealous right? That's edward feelings. He didn't told bella that his angry/jealous.. but to be there for her always. A touching story okeh. :-)
Bella likes this two man at a time. Last but not least.. Jacob his handsome his fit.. BUT HIS A GIRLFRIEND SNATCHER LAR DEY. He knew that bella's was edward's he went to find bella. But can't blame Jacob anyway.. Jacob resuced bella and he got hurt because of her.
And on... and on... and on...
After movie, slacked. Headed down to Hougang. Reached bout 10plus.
And Homedsweethomed. :))
060710, Tuesday.
BUT... my work in school was great. :)) REALLY OKAY. Teacher praised me. K3k3k3.
Homework was done also... :D Dismissed. :b
School > Zech'sCondo.
Pool as usual.. Homed.
070710, Wednesday.
You know what? It's the 2ndweek of school.
I found that my classmate in school was cute! OMG.
Seriouslyz, you'll know what i meant if you're in my class.
I DO COMPO TODAY LEY. Good girl hor? ^^
English classsssss, I kept laughing like one mad women.
Joy, laughter and fun. :D My classmate is my happypills.
Whenever i'm stress in study and soo.. they'll always made me laugh like nobody business.
Childish at times but i'm lovin with my classmate. Half a year we're tgt alread.
Don't know why suddenly mention bout my class.. OMGWHAT.
Well... i'm posting till here only.. Yep, bai readers!!!!!
This pictures was taken on Monday. :)) Pictures will do some talking. Toodles.