Ni hao. Going china on 15thjune, i can't bear to live baby alone in singapore, but he promise me one thing, he's gonna study. <: That's good. Our bet baby, remember? Said what you mean, mean what you said. Went out with baby and sean at ehub for Shrek 3D movie today. 23/4
Ended my movie at bout 5plus, cab down to bugis. Baby and sean today damn fucking rich, jealous die. -.- Seannie was fucking funny too. Crap alot inside the taxi. Joker!! Reached bugis, pei baby to topman shop to buy his stuffs. Richboy. <: Shop fins, cab down to geylang to take baby stuffs again, while sean and i waited baby inside the cab. Tpy after that cuz sean have dance thingy. Took bus 159 from tpy inter, in the end cabdown. And then homesweethome. Meeting baby tomorrow again!! ;) Babyseeyah. Meet you everyday without failing.