Mall > Town > Mall > Plaza > Home.
Hi monster.
Went out with bibiliwen today.
Meet her at H.mall. Took train to town to take bibi's phone! : >
(Y). Finally bibi's have phone already. Teehee. ^^
Hmm, then walked around the shopping centre.
Sasa shop making me insane! I'm sure i'll gone crazy one day.
Took train back to H.mall for lunch at kopitiam.
Then headed down to H.plaza. Saw many people at there.
Saw Gary wearing his specs, zomg, fucking cute. /: Teehee.
Kaijie was there too. (x
Lan, L4D \m/ to the fucking max!
I'm addicated to LD4 already, due to bibi.
My hand are itchy now. Kill all the zombiezombiezombiezsxc. Killkillkill! Omfg.
How? >: Someone gonna help me, for not playing this game.
But i just loveeeeeeeeeeee it X:
And then hommiee.
Upload some peekture only, bibi if you want the pics, take from me! : >