Hi2 babies.
Eaten? :D Joke!!!! Okay, everything change in school leh! Fuck.
Timeable changed,seat changed and teacher changed too. -.-
Seriouslyz, i don't feel like going back school to study, but for the sake of melvintan.
If i go school, this pig then willing to go school. Rebecca gonna change for the better. HAHA!!!!!
Those habit, gotta change. x:
Most importantly, STUDY. I'm gonna promote to na,if possible. LOL!!
School =>>> Point =>>> Zechhouse =>>> Homed.
Woke up at 7 today, was woken up by Sabrina message. LOL!!
Text bby, shocking mama, he slept at 4am last night yet he woke up super duper early.
8plus headed down to 971. Slack with Sab, sean and jiaxuan today.
Jiaxuan left bout 9, Zech came. Slack til 10.15, yeap.. reach school at 10.25.
Assem and so till 11plus. Boring. -_- Spotcheck, damn i'm a lucky bitch. HAHA!!
Recess afterwards, went to look for sab and sean... 12 til 2.30, Mrchoo lesson. x..x
Dismissed!!!!!! Headed down to point for makan, then Zech'shouse for pool. Homesweethome. :)